Goals and Philosophy

The mission of York High School is to develop critical thinkers, to foster resilience in students that is essential for great accomplishments, and to motivate students to be discerning believers in the importance of lifelong learning.

  • Our teachers and support staff are dedicated to making our students feel safe, important and valued. We teach our students to be curious, confident, resilient and independent learners by providing a stimulating atmosphere that supports risk-taking and encourages students to express their ideas.

  • Our school follows the curriculum set out by the Ontario Ministry of Education and to adhere to the principles and policies outlined in "Growing Success: Assessment and Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools" in order to improve student learning. Due to the nature of our Online courses, we are also able to enhance the curriculum to engage students, promote interaction and differentiate activities to meet the needs of all learners.

  • We do not tolerate bullying in our school. Students are expected follow an online code of conduct. Teachers encourage their students to seek to understand the actions and feelings of others without passing judgment. We provide a structured, safe and respectful environment wherein students are expected to show compassion, empathy and acceptance.

  • York High School fosters communications between the student and teacher upon enrollment in order to begin the dialogue concerning teacher expectations in the course. Parents are kept upto-date through regular communication in the form of newsletters, online blog, Twitter posts, Facebook page and access to teacher’s contact information. Teachers make themselves available to answer any questions from students or parents. Parents and students are very appreciative of the emphasis our teachers place on ensuring good communication between home and school. All school administrative staff will have their contact information viewable from our main website. York High School will enable all staff to receive student feedback in order to create the best course to meet the needs of their students. York High School will encourage an environment where student and parent voicing of concerns is encouraged and welcomed and that any concerns are addressed promptly and effectively

  • It is York High School’s intent to welcome International students to take Ontario High school credits. York High School will be aware of the unique educational needs of international students and provide support to ensure the best possible educational experience

  • York High School provides a student-centered education in an online environment. York High School offers students a continuous intake course option, a work at their own pace model for completely online students and a monitored and structured model for the blended learning day students. The teacher contacts the student upon registration in order to provide the necessary information to the student so he or she can begin the online course right away,

  • York High School will establish and maintain OUAC or OCAS accounts for our OSR students planning to enter post-secondary institutions upon graduation from high school. York High School will produce and forward copies of the Ontario Student transcripts to post-secondary institutions in a timely manner. York High School will make arrangements for students to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) and offer services to help all students prepare for the test and receive accommodations if applicable. To establish a York High School Individual Education Plan (IEP) for exceptional students in order to identify the student's specific learning expectations and how these expectations are to be accommodated within their online course. It is York High School’s responsibility to establish and maintain Ontario Student Records (OSR) for those students who are the sole responsibility of York High School, following the Ontario Ministry of Education's guidelines. Finally, it is the responsibility of York High School to determine the equivalent credits earned by students entering the Ontario school system in their previous educational setting and to advise the student on the remaining requirements to be completed in order to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).